Click for Message to Parents - Released 07/14/2024
Click for Message to Parents - Espanol - Release 07/14/2024
Click for Message to Employees - Released 07/14/2024
B- Believe in Yourself
E - Earn Respect
E - Expect Excellence
P- Positive Attitude
Please print and complete the Patient Profile form as well as the parent consent form before going to the clinic.
Dear Parents,
Please click on the “Covid-19” Resource tab at the top of the page. It will provide you with teacher contact information and other information that will help you support your child while at home. You can continue to check our school’s Facebook page as well. We look forward to the day when we can see our students once again! Until then, please let us know how we can support you as we work together.
Feel free to use the schedule below as a reference for activities your child can do at home to keep him/her up to date with their learning.
Please go to Honduras Elementary Facebook page and "like" us for more information and videos from our school family.
We miss you all and can't wait to see you soon!
Please click on the picture to take the 2024 Census survey.
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Report Child Abuse or Neglect call DCFS Child protection hotline at 1-855-4LA-KIDS (1-855-452-5437) toll free 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Test folders will be sent home every Tuesday. This is a school wide procedure. Test folders are expected to be signed and returned within the next 2 days. Please DO NOT take any tests out of your child's folder.
February 24-28 - Mardi Gras Hoidays
April 10-17 - Easter Holidays
May 28 - x浏览器看YouTube
May 29 - Teacher Record Day
Mission statement
As a HES family, we are striving to build a strong foundation both academically and socially. We embrace the whole child while molding, nurturing, and inspiring the hearts and minds of our scholars. We encourage all scholars to embrace a thirst for knowledge and gain a foundation that will prepare them to be contributing adults.
Our Motto: THINK it, BELIEVE it, ACHIEVE it!